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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Автор: Полевая Анна Артуровна

SPECIAL KALININGRAD - . PROBLEMS PROSPECTS Special economic zones are not a new phenomenon for Russia. SEZS were established in the late 1980 's, and 1990 years there were about 10-20. But they have been subjected to strong criticism, due to the fact that only created for legalization of the illegal business. Since many Russian firms used this special regime to evade taxes in order to maintain their benefits, after that the decision was taken by the federal authorities that it is necessary to stop the existence of these special zonal regimes, as well as the cancellation of the previously presented benefits to the Russian regions. In December 1989, the Government of the USSR adopted a resolution on the creation of FEZ in relatively small areas with access to the most important transport routes close to foreign economic partners, further approved the idea of creating a zone on the territory of the Kaliningrad region. New economic realities suggest the consideration of a special economic zone as an instrument of socio-economic development prospects for the Kaliningrad region, which justifies the relevance of the research problem. Over the past 5-10 years in addition to the economic development of the special economic zones have originated another global mission is to develop the scientific potential of Russia. In addition to the positive qualities, these special zones are and problems arising due to inefficient political and economic course. It should be clarified that the Kaliningrad SEZ differs substantially from other types of special economic zones created in accordance with Federal Law No. 116-FZ "On Special Economic Zones in the Russian Federation". As one of its main objectives, it initially has the provision of integrated socio-economic development of the region. This lies in the fact that the benefits provided by the legislation can be used not only by residents of the SEZ, but also by all legal entities registered in the Kaliningrad region. This feature has determined the key role of the SEZ in the development and development of the Kaliningrad economy. Kaliningrad producers actively use the benefits provided, importing raw materials into the region without paying customs fees, which significantly reduces its cost and, accordingly, the sales price of the final product. Thanks to this, the production of goods is actively developing in the region, which, when obtaining the status of goods of the Customs Union, can be duty-free imported to the rest of the territory of the Customs Union through the territory adjacent to the region of foreign states. At the same time, speaking of the Kaliningrad SEZ, one can not help but touch on the most painful topic for the region - the so-called problem 2016. Its essence is that Federal Law No. 16-FZ establishes a 10-year transition period, during which the benefits provided for legal entities operating in accordance with Federal Law No. 13-FZ. In practice, this means that after this date the overwhelming majority of regional participants in foreign economic activities and producers will not be able to import duty-free goods to the rest of the territory of the Customs Union that have undergone sufficient processing in the Kaliningrad SEZ. To describe the current situation in the economy of the Kaliningrad region, it is necessary to highlight several interrelated economic processes that have been observed in the region in the last 2-2.5 years. Distressed trends as a snowball have increased over the past two years, which has now led to a significant deterioration in the social and economic situation in the region and the consolidation of most of the economic indicators at stably low levels.          In the region, attempts were repeatedly made to develop a long-term strategy for the socio-economic development of the region. Officially adopted by the Regional Duma and formally acting today is the "Development Strategy of the Kaliningrad Region until 2031" (adopted in 2007). In 2009, a decision was made to build a Baltic nuclear power plant in the region, two power units of which should be built at full capacity in 2016. This event is extremely important for the region's economy, since the estimated construction cost as of the end of 2009 is estimated at 196 billion rubles. The changes made to the resolution on May 5 increased expenses to 643 billion 551.6 million rubles. From the federal budget will be allocated 355 billion 160.1 million rubles, of regional budgets - 92 billion 212.2 million rubles., Legal entities - 196 billion 179.3 million rubles. The decision to give Russia the FIFA World Cup took place on December 2, 2010. The final vote also involved the application of England and joint projects of Spain with Portugal and Belgium with the Netherlands.                 Matches of the World Cup will be held from June 14 to July 15, 2018 at 12 stadiums in 11 cities. The list of cities in which the fights of the tournament will be held is formed in September 2012. It included Moscow, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Saransk, Rostov-on-Don, Sochi and Yekaterinburg. So, summing up, various socio-economic and socio-geographical problems and prospects of the Kaliningrad region as a Special Economic Zone were considered, a scenario for the future development is outlined. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the Kaliningrad region has great prospects for the development of the Kaliningrad SEZ as a high-quality region. But in order to realize all the prospects and eliminate social and economic problems created as a result of remoteness from the rest of Russia and proximity to European countries, it takes a lot of effort, which is possible only with the support of the economy of the rest of the country.