Упражнения на отработку Present Progressive Tense

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Упражнения на отработку Present Progressive Tense
Автор: Бекмагамбетова Зульфия Канатовна

Упражнения на отработку Present Continuous
  • Open the brackets in positive sentences (10 sentences)
  • I (go) to school now.
  • My friend (listen) to music at the moment.
  • Our teacher and we (watch) an interesting film now.
  • They (clean) their teeth now.
  • Look! Tom and Tim (play) football and Kate and Mary (play) badminton in the park.
  • My parents (swim) in the poll now.
  • My sister (always/scratch) nose when she (read) a newspaper.
  • You (nod) your head at the moment.
  • Listen! Your mother (play) the piano.
  • She (write) a letter now.
  • Open the brackets in negative sentences (10 sentences)
  • I (not/ride) a bike now.
  • My friend (not/listen) to pop music at the moment.
  • We (not/go) to the cinema now.
  • They (not/clean) their teeth at the moment.
  • Look! Tom and Tim (not/play) baseball and Kate and Mary (not/jump) in the park.
  • My parents (not/swim) in the poll now.
  • My sister (not/drink) a cup of tea when she (read) a newspaper.
  • You (not/smile) at the moment.
  • Listen! Your mother (not/snore) when she sleeps.
  • She ( not/write) a story now.
  • Put the words into correct order to make a sentence (10 sentences)
  • I now a not bike am riding.
  • moment My is friend to listening not pop at music the.
  • We going are the to cinema now.
  • they their cleaning teeth the at moment Are?
  • The playing are baseball students in park the.
  • My are now teachers not writing.
  • My sister drinking a is cup tea of at moment the.
  • Why the not you moment smiling at?
  • Look! mother is You a sandwich making .
  • We a now story telling are
  • .
  • Put the verbs “be” into the gaps in a correct form (10 sentences)
  • I_____ playing with my cat now.
  • You ___ drinking tea when your mum _____reading a newspaper.
  • He _____fishing.
  • She ________wearing a T-shirt and shorts.
  • The puppy ________playing with its tail.
  • We ____cooking pancakes at the moment.
  • You ______painting your fence these days.
  • They _____listening to music in their bedroom.
  • The animals ____eating at 5 o’clock in the zoo.
  • Children ________sleeping now.
  • Rewrite the sentences in Present Continuous tense (10 sentences)
  • I go to school every day.
  • There I have lessons.
  • After school I go home.
  • I do my homework.
  • Then I listen to music when I have lunch.
  • I and my mum cook dinner.
  • After dinner my parents watch TV and I go for a walk.
  • I read the story in my bed.
  • I surf the net.
  • I sleep.
  • Correct the sentences (10 sentences)
  • My friend are go to the supermarket now.
  • I is preparing my English test these days.
  • We are swim in the swimming pool at this moment.
  • My father am not fixing his car.
  • Do they playing table tennis at school now?
  • Why are she crying?
  • The painter not drawing the portraits.
  • The parrot flying in my flat.
  • Am I ride a bike now?
  • My friend isn’t dance.
  • Insert auxiliary verb in general questions  (10 sentences)
  • ________you going to school now.?
  • ______my friend listening to music at the moment?
  • ______our teacher and we watching an interesting film this lesson?
  • _____they cleaning their teeth today?
  • ______Tom and Tim playing football all day in the park?
  • ______my parents reading comics now?
  • ________my sister scratching her nose when she reads a newspaper?
  • _______you nodding your head at the moment?
  • ______your mother making a sandwich?
  • ______she writing a letter now?
  • Match the questions to the answers (10 sentences)
  • Are you going to the library now? a)No, he isn’t.
  • Is your mother writing a story these days? b)No, she isn’t.
  • Are your friends riding a car? c) Yes, the boys are.
  • Is your father flying a kite at the moment? d) No, she isn’t.
  • Are we having fun today? e)No, it isn’t.
  • Is your cat swimming in the river? f) Yes, he is.
  • Are the boys climbing a tree? g) No, she isn’t
  • Is your sister tiding your room? h) Yes, they are.
  • Is your teacher speaking English? i) No, we aren’t.
  • Is your aunt drinking coffee today ? j) Yes, I am
  • Answer the general questions giving short answers (10 sentences)
  • Is the elephant eating bananas now ?
  • Are you picking flowers at the moment?
  • Is your mother snoring now?
  • Are your teacher smiling when you laugh?
  • Is a baby crying when he wants to eat?
  • Is your dog flying?
  • Are the children sleeping at 9 o’clock?
  • Are your parents working all week?
  • Is your brother studying English this year?
  • Are your grandparents working in the garden all summer?
  • Make a special question with a given question word (10 sentences)
  • _________are you reading now?
  • _____are they crying all day?
  • ______cake is your sister cooking this morning?
  • _______is he playing cricket?
  • ______are your friend drawing on our fence?
  • ______are you planning to travel around the world?
  • ______is reading in your bedroom?
  • _______aren’t you doing your homework?
  • _____is your father doing in the garage?
  • ________is your teacher laughing?
  • Make a special question to the underlined word (10 sentences)
  • I am going to the museum now.
  • Tom isn’t swimming in the river at the moment.
  • We are watering the flowers all morning today.
  • They are building these houses now.
  • Bella is flying the kite at the moment.
  • Jo and Jake aren’t jumping high because they can’t jump.
  • The people are smiling.
  • I am counting apples.
  • My classmates are having fun in the classroom.
  • A fish is swimming in the pond.
  • Make 5 questions to the sentence (general, special, alternative, tail question, a question to the subject) – 5 sentences
  • We are looking at the sky.
  • They are surfing the net at this moment.
  • His cat is drinking milk.
  • The monkeys are eating bananas.
  • Our baby is watching cartoons.
  • Translate the sentences from Russian into English (10 sentences)
  • Я читаю интересную книгу сейчас.
  • Мама не смотрит телевизор в данный момент
  • Ты работаешь в саду целый день?
  • Что ты сейчас делаешь?
  • Почему твой ребенок сейчас плачет?
  • Мы сейчас пьем чай с пирожными
  • Они катаются на велосипедах все утро
  • Мы не поем сейчас а мы танцуем сейчас
  • Что ты ищешь в шкафу?
  • Я фотографирую жирафа.
  • Open the brackets using a correct tense (10 sentences)
  • My brother ( go) to school every day but today he go to the theatre
  • I (not/ play) the guitar now
  • What his uncle (do) when we talk with you?
  • He( travel) this month.
  • We (not/ fly) because we miss our plane
  • Your father (drink) coffee today in the morning
  • Look! Your cat( not/ sleep).
  • Listen! my grandpa (play) the flute
  • We (cook) a pizza now
  • The day (get) longer and longer