Intercultural Communication

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Intercultural Communication
Автор: Ирина Анатольевна Колядина

Yamalo-Nenetsky Area, GubkinskyThe project for students of the secondary schoolRussian and American Culture and National Lifestyles in Interactive ExchangeEnglish teachers:Mrs. Kolyadina, Mrs. GorshkovaGubkinsky, 2013Annotation:The project is the students of secondary school and has a sociocultural orientation. The work such important aspects asculture, history, literature and national .Apart practical activities to get acquainted with , to learn historical facts about the country of the language, to become familiar with national crafts and to communicate with each other different topics. The project has a bilateral orientation – the participants of both will be into The idea:The of the project is get to know Russian and American culture, national lifestyle and contemporary achievements with the help of interactive technologies, such as:
  • personal computers Internet,
  • Skype,
  • video conferencing software,
  • smart board,
  • camera
  • The :The of our work giv chance to the students to exchange knowledge about their countries and Russian and English languages :
  • Customs and traditions: religious holidays, national cuisine
  • : the origin of the country, important events, outstanding people, language history
  • : literature, art,
  • : climate peculiarities, nature, native peoples
  • Practical activities
  • On-line guests. Joint celebration of Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, St.Valentine’s Day, using folk costumes. invite each other to watch the process of celebration. Project participants will be able to learn some national , to listen to songs and even to play original games.
  • On-line kitchen. The students will have a chance to share the recipes of their favoutrite national dishes and cook them on-line. We have all the necessary equipment to show the process of cooking, so our American students will be able to do the same in their kitchen.
  • Photo and video reporting. We plan to visit northern peoples’ settlements with the main aim to get to know the customs and peoples’ way of life, to celebrate Reindeer Breeder’s Day, to design collages about northern nature and animals. Russian participants of the project will record all the events and will broadcast them with the help of interactive technologies. The American side will show the peculiarities of their lifestyle with the help of video and photo reporting. After that the participants will have a chance to share their emotions and thoughts
  • Now we are going to present our first experimental product. It’s a video one of the main festivals in our region Reindeer Breeder’s Day. It is one of the most respectful traditions of the native people of Yamal. It’s celebrated every year at the end of March when deer-herds can take a break and relax their national songs, their strength in traditional northern contests. Each year this event is held in different towns and settlements. And a great number of people attend the festival with great pleasure - women in green and blue robes decorated with ornaments drag sleeping children a sledge. Men dressed in their decorated with fur and special leather shoes get ready for traditional competitions. This is the time when the Nenets gather from all the corners of , share news, compete in speed reindeer sledge running. We should respect and take care of this cultural heritage. Our goal is to preserve traditions and customs of the local and them to future generations.
  • Traditional craft learning. There is a workshop for boys and a kitchen and a classroom for needlework for girls. The participants will show American students how to embroider, braid, leather woodcarving.
  • Firsthand view of natural resources of our area. Our industry companies are always ready to different kinds of excursions to gas and oil fields. American students will have an opportunity to ask some questions . Russian students will be glad to learn new facts about car production, new information technologies and other industries in the USA.
  • of folktales, translation of classical works of literature, teaching some folk songs and dances. Our school drama club will perform some folktales. We can organize translation contests between the students from both countries translat poetry and prose Alexander Pushkin, Le Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Theodor Dreiser, Mark Twain and many others. There is a great number of folk song and dance groups and our students take part in their work. So they will teach new friends some elements of folk songs and dances.
  • We managed to contact New York secondary school 228. At the moment we on correspondence with the teachers of the school and mak the acquaintance with the future project participants.