Сценарии сказок

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Язык издания: русский
Периодичность: ежедневно
Вид издания: сборник
Версия издания: электронное сетевое
Публикация: Сценарии сказок
Автор: Лунева Ирина Николаевна

Cказки на английском языке. The turnip.
Storyteller. Once upon a time there lived an old man. Once spring he sowed a turnip seed.
Grandpa. Grow, little turnip, grow big and sweet.
The sun. Grow up, little turnip, grow up! It is warm!
The rain. Drink, little turnip, drink and grow!
Storyteller. Look, there are green leaves on the turnip. Soon the turnip will grow. Grandpa, Oh, big my turnip is, how big! I must pull it out! Oh, dear! It is so big! So big! I can not pull it out! Grandmother, come here and help me! Grandma. What is that, my dear? Grandpa. Help me to pull the turnip out! Grandma. OK. Oh, Granddaughter! Come here! Granddaughter. Yes, Grandmother! Grandma . Help me to pull the turnip out! Granddaughter . Ok. Dog, dog! Come here! Dog. Bow-wow! What is up? What is up? All. Help us to pull the turnip out! Dog. All right! Cat. May I help you? All. Yes, dear cat! Help us, please! Little, mouse, help us! Mouse. I am small, but I am strong! I will help you! One, two, three, pull! All. One, two, three, pull! Turnip. I am so big! I am so sweet! Cat. Our turnip so big! Dog. Our turnip is so sweet! Grand ma. Let us take it home! Who lives in this house? Сhildren. Who lives in the house? Is not it a little mouse? Cat. No, no. The little mouse does not live in this house. Children. Who lives in this house? Сat. Try to guess, try to guess. I shall sing you a song, it is not very long: Мew-mew!. Сhildren. A little cat lives in the house. Not a pretty little mouse. Cat, cat come along, we shall see you this song: Mew- mew. Сat. I am a little kitty, I like to tippy toe. Will not you do it with me? Ready now, let us go. Children. Who lives in this house? Is not it a little frog? Rabbit. No, no, the little frog does not lie in tis house. Children. Who lives in this house? Rabbit. Try to guess, try to guess. I shall sing you a song, it is not very long: I am little and grey, I like to hop, hop, hop! Come on and do it with me. It is fun, we shall never stop Children. A little rabbit lives in this house .We shall hop, hop, hop. It is fun , we shall never stop. Who lives in this house? Is not it a big bear ? Elephant. No, no. The big bear does not live in this house. Children. Who lives in this house? Elephant. Try to guess, try to guess. I am grey and big, I take big steps so slow. I would like you to join me, Ready now? Let us go. Children. A big elephant lives in this house. We shall join you, elephant. Who lives in this house? Is not it a little parrot? Dog. No, no. The little parrot does not live in this house. Children. I am a little dog, I like to run, and run. If you would do it with me, We could have such fun.